Biblical Leadership @ Work
A monthly interview with experienced workplace leaders who are serious about their faith in Christ and about being effective leaders. During each episode we learn about the leaders background and experiences and how they employ biblical principles at work, to lead change, develop others, and grow business all while striving to honor Jesus in all that they do. New episodes drop on the first of each month and are about an hour in length.
Biblical Leadership @ Work
Chris Grainger: Founder of The Lion Within Us
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Chris Grainger as he shares his journey from an electrical engineer to a leader driven by faith. Discover how his career path evolved, the challenges he faced, and his faith journey that led him to creating 'The Lion Within Us' podcast and community.
Chris also discusses leadership principles, the importance of discipleship, and balancing professional and spiritual life. Learn how you can integrate faith into your work environment and make a meaningful impact. Don't miss this episode filled with valuable insights on leadership, faith, and personal growth!
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Welcome to the biblical leadership outwork podcast. I am your host, Jason Woodard. And this month's episode, we'll meet Chris Granger, the founder of the lion within us. And online men's discipleship community that helps brothers across the U S. Grow in their faith. Chris has a devoted husband and father who is passionate about fulfilling every role God has given him for the glory of Christ. Professionally. He works in marketing for an electrical distribution company and is an electrical engineer by training. Join us as Chris shares his powerful testimony insights on biblical leadership wisdom. And how God has guided him to build a thriving online community that supports and encourages men in their walk with Christ. I hope you find this episode as inspiring and encouraging as I did. All right. Well, Chris Granger, brother, thank you for being on the podcast, man. I can't wait to get to know you and share your story with the audience. So thank you.
Jason:So talk, talk to us a little bit about your background, man. Like let's talk professionally, like how has God taken you kind of from, let's say high school through to where you are now. And what are you doing?
Chris:I mean from, you know, after high school, I went to, uh, just a community college. I knew I wanted to do engineering. So, uh, You know, I went to community college, then I went to Old Dominion in Norfolk and I have electrical engineering background. So that was, that was the thing. Got connected with an electrical distributor as like a co op. You know, that was a big deal for, for me back then was, was finding a job to help pay for college,
Jason:Just get started. Yep.
Chris:that's it. So I did a co op for a couple semesters and then I had a job waiting for me. Uh, when I graduated and went straight to that and that's just, and I'm still with that company now. I mean, I was 20, 23 years ago. So just been, it's been great, uh, working for them. And, uh, but I mean, so far as the, the faith element into it, there, there really wasn't, to be honest, there was no faith element to my work. Uh, it was just, you know, make as much money as you can and climb the ladder. And just, uh, you know, I always had a level of ethics and everything I did, but, uh, the faith, I didn't think they. That you can mesh those worlds, you
Jason:Yeah, right.
Chris:so for the longest time they didn't, they didn't mesh at all. And, and, uh, you know, from there, it's just been a, uh, an interesting journey. We can go wherever you want. So far as, you know, I kind of got into podcasting that opened up some doors, which has been kind of fun, but, but yeah, I'd just love to wherever you think we should go here.
Jason:Yeah. What is, so what is your role now with the company? You've been there that long. What do you do for them?
Chris:Yeah. It's really transitioned a lot, man. I went from, from managing one of the big divisions. Then they, we decided to divest of that division. Uh, just. The economics didn't seem to, you know, really make sense to keep making investments in it. So I transitioned from a technical oversight, leadership role to more now, uh, into marketing, which is kind of crazy. So I shifted to marketing because I started the podcast for the company. And, uh, Marketing and writing. So I just do a lot of writing, a lot of videos now as a distributor, we, we, we make a lot of content and that's been kind of my sweet spot. I can crank that stuff. liked it, uh, you know, and, and, uh, kind of differentiates us. So I've been kind of been doing that for the last couple of years.
Jason:that's really, um, I think a unique background to have that technical, especially on the electrical engineering side, technical background that moves into a marketing role. I think that that's a, that's a bridge that probably not many electrical engineers ever cross into.
Chris:No, man. Well, I mean, it's kind of like, well, most marketers have no clue what they're selling. Right. they, they want to make it flashy and make it look good. And I can be like, that's crap. Yo, like let's, this, we need to make this better. This is what really matters to people. And I think that's helped, you know, just having that technical and, our, uh, our, our executive team, they love it. They, they love that they have a technical eye on that side of the fence.
Jason:Now that, yeah, that is good. I know we have a marketing people that work in our business and you know, that's their background. So we encourage them to come out and understand what we're making, what we're building, you know, who our customers are, but they've got to learn that you've got, you've already got that background. And so this is an electrical distribution company. You guys working with like electricians, general contractors, that sort of, is that who your customer base is?
Chris:Yeah, we're industrial. So primarily with the heavy, heavy, big end users, we don't do a ton of contractual work, but, uh, but yeah, that's, that's primary. Southeast is where we're located.
Jason:Yep, okay. So yeah, so tell me a little bit about that location family like what's your family situation? What's that look like?
Chris:Yeah, man. So I live in North Carolina, close to Raleigh. So we, we live on, uh, we actually moved to a small farm, uh, last year. So we've been, uh, you know, we're coming up on a year and a half and where we've been here. So we got a horse boarding farm now. So we, uh, we wanted to do homesteading and. Try get out of the suburbs. God was calling us to this and he opened some crazy doors. And next thing you know, we were, you know, sitting from the, you know, 3000 square foot home in the suburbs with a pool and all the stuff that comes with the suburbs to a 1600 square foot home built in 1950 on 23 acres where we got, you know, 14 stall horse barn. So it's been like crazy. You know, going with that, but got four kids, uh, 14 down to two, three girls and a boy, wonderful wife, you know, and then the lion within us, all the stuff that goes with that. So it's just been the, really the last probably 18 months have been the craziest of my life.
Jason:yeah So are you guys getting right into the homesteading piece like you got besides the horse boarding animals? You're raising animals big huge garden that sort of thing.
Chris:Yeah. Big garden. Uh, we got chickens. We're getting ready to expand the chicken stuff out, you know, and my wife and I were trying to do small things, incremental things, projects with water containment. You know, trying to just, just manage that, that better. Uh, we want to do our own meat chickens now. So we're actually transitioning the type of bird out so we can raise our own meat chickens. And so just little pieces and elements like that. She cans everything. So we try to, to do all that. Uh, I pick on her. It's like, you know, you do all this stuff and it will still pick up a pizza because you're so tired after all the work, you just want something to eat. Right. But, uh, well, but we're trying, we're making those steps in the right direction. Oh
Jason:when it was probably late 90s My family and I my kids were real little then we moved to a little there's only two acres but yeah We started Big Garden, raised steer, you know, and I can remember I was super fascinated with the whole idea of kind of that Self sufficiency, homesteading, and it was still fringe then, right? This is, yeah, whatever, 30 years ago, a little less, and you know You could find a few books about it And I mean at that time the internet was just starting to be a thing And now, and of course, now we live in, you know, we live in a town, so we've kind of gotten away from all that, but it's not fringe anymore. It's becoming more and more, I'd say, mainstream. People are getting really serious about it. And of course, between YouTube and everything, there's so much available. People sharing what they're doing, how they're doing it, innovative ideas on how to do it.
Chris:that's right.
Jason:I miss it, I think. We love our house. We've got an old, historic home in a historic neighborhood my wife and I love. But I man, I had a little bit of missing being out in the country and yeah, having the animals and doing, yeah, it's even just physically, you know, out there, whatever, splitting wood, doing chores get you out. Yeah, it's good. It's good for you. I think it was definitely good for our kids when they were little. I mean, my, my son was almost 30 now, but when he was, three years old. He was out in the snow getting eggs. That was his job. You go get eggs chickens and it's good. responsibility for him.
Jason:Yeah. So Chris, tell us a little bit about your faith journey. Like how did you come to know the Lord? What's that look like?
Chris:Yeah, I mean I kind of grew up in the south man. It's kind of like everything in the south You know, you got you got football you got race and you got jesus, you know Those are the three right then and uh, but I didn't really have a relationship. I mean we didn't go to church as a family You know, we, we, we knew God existed, but we didn't, we didn't really lean into it. So I started going to church when I was 16 and, uh, for unrighteous reasons, cause my girlfriend was going to church. She's like, Hey, you want to go to church with me on Sundays? I'm like, sweet. You wearing a dress. I get to go sit with you for a few hours. Absolutely. I'm all in. So, you know, completely unrighteous, but, uh, Definitely got saved when I was 16, but man, be honest with you, Jason, man, that's where kind of what led me to the lion is after I got out the water, I had no guys walking with me. You know, I had my dad, who's my hero. He's, he's always been there, but I had no other spiritual mentors helping me along the way.
Chris:And when I went to ODU, man, it was just like, straight downhill, just like, I mean, very secular, secular school. Do what you want to do. Live like you want to live, get out of college with an engineering degree, went into sales, started making a lot of money. And, uh, man, it just, my faith journey, it was just, I got there and I honestly thought that was the finish line, you know, like, I'm safe, good. Yeah.
Jason:yep. I got my, I got my ticket punched. Yeah.
Chris:That's right. I'm, I'm good. And I just, so did my thing, did my thing, was married, had two little girls. They were three and five. And then my wife at the time said, she's out. She left. She left all of us. She left me and the girls. So I'm sitting there with a three and five year old. Like, Oh, okay. So, I mean, at that point, really leaned into the church, started getting serious about my faith. Like, you know what God's way has got to be better than my way, because my way has led me here, which I mean, I got my girls, they've been with me ever since, and then we've had two more. That's how we have the four. now we have a little age gap between them, but. It was very clear that, you know what, discipleship matters and I'm not going to just sit by idly and not do anything about it. So that's what really led to, you know, the Genesis of the land within us.
Jason:So, so tell us about that. We haven't talked much about that really at all yet. You and I have, but not on the podcast so far. So tell us about what's the lion within. What is that?
Chris:Yeah. I mean, really, we built this, well, first of all, I just started off with a, with an idea that I knew was from the Holy spirit. I went to my wife. I'm like, I think the Lord wants me to use this podcasting skill that I learned at my, My job to, for him, I'm like, really think he wants me to do this, babe. And she was like, well, what do you think he wants you to talk about? I'm like, well, I've been in leadership roles literally since I was 14. Like I've, I've, I've been in management roles since I was 14. It's been crazy. It's like, I think he wants to talk about leadership and discipleship, you know, to help guys really lean into that and just understand that better. And, uh, she starts laughing. I'm like, what are you laughing about? She's like, well, don't you think it's. You have, you're married. And at that time we had nothing but girls had my daughters, our two oldest daughters, and we had a little girl, she's like, you're surrounded by estrogen calling into this world, testosterone. She's like, obviously you got to do this. So, I mean, we say, all right. So we just said, put a little simple business plan together, knew how to get a podcast out. And, uh, recorded about three months worth of, uh, Episodes just on the backend hit launch and just prayed. And all of a sudden it just took off. It's like, wow. I mean, this, and this was, you know, 2021, 2022, somewhere around there. And the show just really just started taking off. And it was very quickly. It passed the show that we started for the, for the business. I mean, in no time, it passed that for downloads and said, okay, maybe we got something here. And the whole thing was like, Podcasts, as you know, you know, you're sending a message out to many, but it's hard to talk to them directly about, you know, what's going on in their life. So that's when I learned about this idea of online communities and trying to figure out, okay, how can we make this a tangible thing? And so we, we beta tested that. So we have a, uh, like a virtual online community with an app and the whole experience. And then we launched it and now we got, you know, several different options of subscriptions for that, for that community experience where we're. You know, doing masterminds with guys, we're doing Bible studies with guys, where we're bringing them together every day on a live, you know, reading scripture, we call it a spiritual kickoff. So we have lots of different ways where we're serving virtually. And then also do, uh, you know, live events, you know, a couple of times a year as well. So it's, it's been kind of, kind of cool to see how, how all of it just is, it's just growing organically.
Jason:That's, now that is exciting to feel that you were called to do that and taking that step of faith and obedience and then seeing the fruit from it. Curious, on the app, did you develop that? Did you pay someone to develop that? That's something I've never
Chris:Yeah, no, we, we could, uh, pay, but that's a lot of money. So we found a platform that's an open architecture type platform that It gave me what we needed to, for development, uh, without having developed it from scratch. So, know, we can go live on it. We can post, it's kind of got like a social media look and feel to it, but then you can also schedule events and, and, and coordination sort of tons of flexibility and it's mobile friendly. So it's an iPhone and an Android. They have an app they can download, but once the guys get it and they see it and they, man, it's, it becomes very sticky because it's a very, it's just a unique way to engage with them.
Jason:Nice. You got guys all over the country or in your area? Like, what's that look like?
Chris:Yeah, it's actually very little in my area, man. It's, it's all over the U S and Canada right now. So we have couple of Canadians, primarily East coast, but man, we got Indiana, Utah. I mean, literally all over Texas, Saskatchewan, Canada. I mean, it's, uh, it's nuts. Ontario. So, uh, it's been kind of fun to see, like our lunch, we have a lion lunch on Wednesdays. We had a guy in Georgia, New Jersey, Saskatchewan, Indiana, uh, and me in North Carolina. So we're all over, we're all over the place.
Jason:So you get, so people could find you by searching in the app store for the lion within app. And then obviously online for your
Chris:I mean, the easiest way is to line within online. Um, if, because if you go to the app store and search for the line within us, you're not going to find it. Cause we'd go through that third party as
Jason:okay. Okay. All right.
Chris:that's how that works. That is. That our website takes, takes care of all that,
Jason:That's all right. What's uh, hey chris question for you spiritual disciplines. Like what's that look like for you personally? How do you stay close to the lord yourself and grow in sanctification?
Chris:man, I mean, for me, it's just, it's in the work daily all the time. So as part of the lion, you know, we do what's called daily spiritual kickoffs. That's literally every morning I'm picking this up and I'm reading God's word for these guys. Like we've been working through Psalms since March. So that, that helps. So it's like, it of forces me a little bit. But really the man, to be honest with you, there's a couple of other things for me. I teach all the time. I'm teaching at the, at the church, teach kids, teach adults. So anytime I can find opportunities to teach, I'm going to do it. Uh, I just, I make that because teaching, if you have to teach something, you're going to lean in.
Jason:That's right.
Chris:But probably the big thing for me is, uh, you know, as a podcaster, I do like listening to podcasts, but I'd listen to sermons. I got a couple of go to pastors that, you know, I've, I've vet, I trust. And now I love them and I've, I've got to meet most of them, uh, through the podcast. And then, you know, those are the guys I'm, I'm constantly, so I'm just very careful about what I allow to come in. You know, uh, I just keep the guard, like now I know nothing about the latest music that's out there, or I mean, I'm, I'm kind of a boring dude when it comes to that stuff. If you want to talk about, you know, Leonard Skinner or 90s, like I'm, I'm your guy, you know, when, talk about these, these new folks, I just don't know them because I'm just. I don't allow that in. So that's kind of a, you know, maybe that makes a little weak spot for me, but you know, I'd rather sure up the, the face side.
Jason:Yeah, what who's some of the guys that you follow chris on the
Chris:Oh, number one, Joby Martin. Uh, he,
Chris:Joby, J O B Y. So he's out of Florida, the church of 1122. He is the, he's my guy. I've interviewed him three times. He's awesome. Uh, so I listen to him. I listened to a lot of John Piper.
Jason:Yeah, love John Piper
Chris:Piper just, I mean, I'm not smart enough to listen to Piper, but I always feel smarter after I listened to him. You know, it's one of those things. So, uh, then, you know, J. D. Greer, there's Robert Gatley. There's, there's several other ones that, that I'm, I'm, I'm listening to a new pastor in Virginia now. So I'll, I'll, I'll kind of vet them first, but I mean, Joey's my go to then, you know, just have a couple of guys like this. I average probably, you know, five to eight sermons a week, you
Jason:yeah, yeah. Yep. It's so much out there I was just I love RC Sproul if you know passed away several years ago, but I was Of course they still have, you know, to stuff online. That's the, um, renewing your mind. I was just listening to one on the way home from work today. It's like, you know, it's Christmas teaching and yeah, just there's so much good content.
Chris:It is
Jason:another one. Yeah, that's good. That's a good way to put, yeah, when I'm moving or if I'm working out or if I'm moving, I'm not in a yard, working on whatever, doing chores around the house or I'm in my vehicle most of the time I'm listening to, uh, a podcast and news a little bit, but also just a lot of there's so much good content from Bible teachers and preachers out there. So
Chris:I will say, since, since you said news, man, for your listeners out there, the, the number one for me, hands down, and I always give him a shout out wherever I can, but the briefing with
Jason:Oh yeah. I listened to it probably three to four times a week.
Chris:Oh yeah. Okay. just making sure. Yeah. Like down, probably the, one of the best ones out there.
Jason:It's like, it's like, I feel like sometimes, I don't know, I could go on and on about that. The fact that that man can come on every day and, and, and. Analyze a topic. I mean, I said one day, so most of the men I'm close with at my church listened to the, we listened to the briefing also. And I'm like, I might be able to do what he does. If I had a month to prepare, maybe I said that man gets up whatever it's 3am every day and just cranks another one out. And it is, it doesn't matter what the topic is. If it's world war history, like political history,
Chris:there's a trick, there's a trick to what he does and I don't know if you've noticed. So, and I've, I've met with his assistant cause we were trying to work out how to come on. He's actually got a photographic memory.
Jason:Yeah, he's got, yeah, I figured he had to have just an incredible
Chris:Yes, he doesn't forget anything man, and he's I mean and like they've shown pictures of him prepping I mean just it's
Jason:everywhere. Yeah.
Chris:it's it's a dumpster fire on his desk But I he knows what it is, but I trust that man. I mean, he definitely his insights are incredible.
Jason:Yeah. He's, he is one of probably definitely less than five, maybe one or two men that I follow that I can honestly say I've never heard him say one thing ever that I was like, I don't know if I agree with that. I mean, like there's guys I, like John MacArthur, I love MacArthur once in a while. I'm like, uh, I don't know. You know, it's a little bit like nothing first order. These are all godly men, you know, that God's called to, but there's a couple and he's in, uh, Mueller's one of them that I've just like, never doesn't mean doesn't make them any better. I've just like, in my own analysis, I'm like, man, this guy's just, just brilliant. And he's, he's balanced and biblical and full of grace and
Chris:Oh, yeah.
Jason:Yeah, yeah, he is awesome. My go to everyday on news that I do tell a lot of people about is The World and Everything In It. It's a, a, it is a news podcast, been around. as a daily news podcast for probably 13 years. They they've had a magazine out there for decades. Um, I can't remember what the name of the magazine was, but now it's under the world news group, but they do like a 25 minute daily news podcast. It's all, you know, from a biblical perspective, but yeah, it's that one and then the briefing is my mainstay, uh, day. So good. Um, what? Let's not talk about leadership a little bit. Chris, like I said, you've been in leadership for a long time. What, when you think about leading others at work, at church, your family, like what are the core principles that you always go back to? And as your disciple men that you talk about, like always, always go back to key things.
Chris:Yeah, I mean, it's all over the place. I mean, probably the one that just comes up the most salient, the most often is just humility, man. And I think that's like, there's so many guys out there. They want to get on top so they can have some power. I'm, and I just always had to bring them back to the upside down kingdom. I'm like, that is not what, you know, at the end of the day, it's about serving. It's about loving and thinking less of ourselves and, and, and. We're not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking about ourselves less. It you know, that, those basic fundamental definitions. And usually, uh, when I'm working with guys, the thing that gets in our way is pride, you know, pride, pride jumps in. And once pride starts taking over and it doesn't take much, a little pinhole of pride can, can really penetrate and cause a lot of issues. So that's, that's usually where we try to go and try to help with.
Jason:Yeah. Yep. Sharp. Yep. Just knock some of that off. You're right. It's the kind of the pride is the, uh, just the, the poison that kind of can go all over,
Chris:That's right.
Jason:leadership and, and the undermine it. What, when you were a younger leader, uh, what were some things that you struggled with and have you, have you learned to manage them? Do you still kind of struggle with them? Like, what did that look like when you were young leader? Yeah.
Chris:back to when I first got like a sales engineer role and I was given an account package and it's like, okay, you go sell this and this is your, this is your, your, uh, know, your, your product box, if you will, of what you had to offer fear of, of not knowing. And fear, the feeling like I always had to have the answer and that crippled me like for the first six months, I remember saying my manager's office, he's like, bro, he's like, you're too smart to just be sitting in this office. Why aren't you going out selling? I'm like, well, I'm trying to figure out, you know, this product. So, so when I get in front of a customer, I want to have all the answers. He's like, do you think you're ever going to have all the answers? And I'm like, yeah, he's like, he's like, that's never going to happen. And then he was like. He, he did something to me, Jason. It was crazy. He's like, you like motorcycles, right? I'm like He's like, do I know anything about motorcycles? And I said, I don't think so. He's like, give me five minutes. And I wanted out of his office. I came back in and he did a sales call where he was a motorcycle salesman. Didn't know anything about motorcycles, but just was, was just engaging me in conversation around motorcycles. And at the day, he got the PO and I'm like, bro, I need to know how to do that. He's like, well, you know, he taught me a lot about humility. one, no one went to say, I don't know, but I will find out. And just asking superb questions. And that's that lesson served me really well, you know, throughout the, my sales career.
Jason:I love that man. What a great that's a that's a lesson. You'll never forget. That
Chris:No, I mean, I'm still telling it 20 years later,
Jason:Yeah, right And well and that goes back to I think what you said about the pride issue is it really at the end of the day? You you didn't you wanted to have all the answers you want people think whatever that's a pride thing. We do it, right? mean, that's something we always teach Young employees and our that's part of our culture we're really trying to develop where I work is like don't be afraid to ask questions and For the guys and gals who have been there a long time You is always be ready and willing to answer questions. We want that type of environment where people are never. fearful of asking questions and they know they're going to get help. They're know they're going to get people to come and support them. And that's, that's developed for us a pretty collaborative environment. that's, yeah, trying to keep that, keep that level of humility for everybody. Hey, we're here to help. We know that you don't have the answers, you know, and
Jason:had a conversation recently with a young apprentice and uh, you know, I told him and I've, I've gone through an apprenticeship and I said, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. We promoted you because we see all the potential in you. So don't ever, you know, do something risky or dangerous. And he's in a field that, you know, he gets into electrical panels and things. I'm like, don't ever be afraid to ask a question. It's okay. We expect that you don't, you're working with guys who have been in this field for 20, 30 years. We don't expect you to know even a lot at this point.
Jason:ask questions. You know, you've proven yourself to a point to get this. Okay. So I think that's huge when you, Chris, when you go into your work environment. So we've talked a little bit about that. You're in district, you know, you work in a electrical distribution. Um, it's not a ministry you're working around, you know, other people who, by some are believers, many are not, but so in your work, how do you try to honor Christ? What are some things that you do in your, in your work environment to honor the Lord in that job?
Chris:Yeah. I think for me, the main thing is trying to just show the light wherever I'm at. And then I really took an intentional, uh, just a leap of faith last year with the company. I went to HR and I said, you know what? Something's burnt is on my heart. And I think I have an opportunity to help some employees. And I, and then we're like, what are you thinking? I'm like, well, I like to start a prayer group within the company. Everybody gets a lunch break. There's lunch hours. We have lots of remote workers too. It's like, would you be opposed if you, uh, if I were to talk to some people, you know, one on one, maybe we don't send out HR about this, but if we, if some people want to utilize that, that lunchtime. to, to get together on a regular cadence and pray. And they actually thought it was a great idea.
Chris:why you, why don't you explore that and explore that with some people, with some management. So I, I explored it with some management, uh, came back and now we've had a standing weekly every Wednesday and that's turned into a Bible study now too. So we pray for the first. 20 minutes or so. And then whoever wants to stay for the lunch hour, uh, we just, we dive into the word and it's been a great way just to get to know each other and encourage each other. And then that's now opened up. I've kind of become the company like pastor or
Jason:Chaplain. Yeah. Yeah.
Chris:Yeah, it's like corporate Chapman's America. So, you know, it's, not that, it's not like that, but it's like, I mean, they're, they're texting me on the side about, you know, I got this going on my family or this and that, and which is great. And it's just, uh, it's,
Jason:for that. Yeah.
Chris:but I mean, it took a, it took a little bit of a risk for me just to have the conversation, but it was, you know, I was, to me, I was like, all right, this is a no brainer. If she says no, what's the worst that can happen. So let's try it. And, uh, now it's turned into something that's blessing some folks.
Jason:That's great, man. That's a huge success story. Hopefully it'd be an inspiration to people. I have prayed, I had a boss one time, um, and he was a believer and, uh, he and I, you know, we knew that about each other. And we started just every Friday morning, we'd meet in his office and pray. We did that for a long time. And that was such, and we just prayed about work stuff, you know, people we knew that were struggling and about our leaders, you know, praying for them. And, that was, that was really, really good. Uh, but that's, that's cool that that's grown like that. How many people, like how many people on a weekly basis
Chris:On a, on a weekly, it could be, you know, five to 10 folks, you know, we had probably 20 something on our, on our list and then we're, looking to see how, okay, how can we expand it out next year in 2025 so we'll see. It's just being, you know, faithful in the, the small things and we'll see, uh, how God grows it.
Jason:That's good. Yeah. Good for you, man. That's super cool. Hey, Chris, if you had someone come to you as a going to move into a leadership role, first time ever, and they're like, Hey, when I, and you probably had to ask this in your discipling that you do with, uh, with other men, but they're just wanting to sit down with you and get some advice on what they should do as a first time leader, what they should not do. Uh, what are some things that you would talk to them about?
Chris:Uh, I always just go back to asking really good questions, you know, not coming in with any too many preset notions. And, you know, because this, they said this, this is the way it's always been done. I just, I always like asking questions, understanding, exploring, uh, definitely not trying to flex any, any type of authority too early. I think that gets a lot of guys in trouble, uh, when we start trying. Way through versus, uh, you know, uh, they're, there's a saying I tell guys all the, for all the time of seek first to understand, let's see first to understand guys, this, I mean, it's biblical, it's scriptural, James talked about it and it's being slowed down a little bit, ask some really good questions, understand the, the, the underlining, um, you know, driving factors here and then perspective. I mean, The, the problem that most leaders have is they, they, they only take into account their perspective and we don't slow down enough to understand the other perspectives around us. I mean, even to the point where, for my, for my, my leader now, who's a COO of our company, they're, they're thinking about different businesses and things they should look at moving forward. From some acquisition standpoint. And I, and he was like, before we go that far, I want to slow down and understand the market variables. Like, let me understand the competitors a little bit better. So he put me on a project to do that. Most leaders wouldn't do that. Most leaders say we got the capital. Let's go figure out where we want to spend the money, who we can buy. And I think those, those steps of slowing down, asking really good questions, it's going to serve. It served him well in his career. And I think it serves lots of guys.
Jason:yeah. That's something I got to constantly remind myself of. My team and I did a, uh, a disc, uh, the disc. So we did a kind of a group disc thing this week with, uh, um, an HR, kind of a consultant that we work with on projects. And she came in and walked through a good reminder for me because I'm a, I'm a shoot first, ask questions later, wired guy. And, you know, there's several people on my team that are more, methodical, you know, and like different pace. And I have to remind myself that. That, uh, I need to, I need to give them some space to think through, you know, whatever my next brilliant idea is that I want to start tomorrow and
Chris:That's right.
Jason:yeah, you just got to take, yeah. Listen, the other, the one I always say, if people have listened to my podcast, they hear me say it all the time, but it's listen, learn, then lead. You know, especially when you're new on a team, new to an organization.
Chris:That's right.
Jason:Yeah. What's, yeah, that will serve you well. What's a. Like, what do you hope for your legacy? Chris, I know you've got many years ahead of you. You're not on the edge of retirement, but when you think about, you know, when that time comes and you leave your organization, for example, you've been there 23 years. That's a long time. What do you hope people would remember about you?
Chris:Yeah. I, from, from, from that comedy standpoint, I don't, I don't really know. I think really what I think about legacy, I'm thinking more lion now of what can we do from a lion standpoint to where. You know, we're helping disciple guys well into the future. And, and, you know, Mike Tyson made a funny quote about legacy a few weeks ago. I don't know if you heard that it
Jason:No, I'm sure it's interesting.
Chris:well, it was, it was a kid who asked him about legacy. He's like, man, Lexi, nobody cares about legacy. You're going to die. And then, you know, people don't forget about you a couple hundred years. And that just, it, it hit me the eyes. I'm like, bro, that's not bad way really think about it. I was
Chris:you know, Tyson's, you don't get a lot theological, right. But you got that right. I mean, it's just at the day, man, like I just need to, for me. Serve and love my family the best I can now, not get too wrapped up in the business items and, and, and know that God's going to provide and just try to teach the fundamental truths to as many people, predict that the number one disciples are my kids. then the other disciples that come across my path, the guys that I'm meeting at the line with, I mean, if we can teach a couple of just fundamental truths there and then let that ripple effect just happen. Right. I mean, I think that for me, that would be. Check the box in a day. Hopefully I hear the words. Well, good, well done. Good and faithful servant,
Jason:right. That's it. Yep. My favorite Tyson quote is, Everybody's got a plan until you get punched in the face.
Chris:it. That's it. Things change then, man. That's
Jason:recently about my grandfather on my father's side. He has, he, before he passed, he's been, he's been gone, I don't know, 15 plus years now. But, but several years before he died, he took up, uh, wood carving as a hobby. And I have in my, in my bathroom, it's a cross with a hand holding it. It's a wood carving. And then he wrote on it, God forbid, that I should glory and any other but the cross of Christ. it's, you know, super personal to me. He was someone I always looked up to as just a man, but also a man of faith. And I, you know, what the thought that occurred to me the other night was my youngest son never met him. So he doesn't have any memory of him. Even my oldest son has a little memory. But now my grandchildren, like when I, you know, when I pass away, he's his memories gone by the time my generation passes away. And, you know, people talk about that in the third generation. So first, for sure, as believers, you know, that's, important. To your point, at the end of the day, it's well done, good and faithful servant. That's it. That's, that's our, that's our goal. So
Chris:That's it.
Jason:So, uh, brother, uh, before we wrap up, what, like we talked a little bit about the website, but I want to make sure people know how they can reach out to you, find out about the line within, investigate discipleship community online. And I'm, I mean.
Jason:Discipleship is really the reason I do this podcast is to help other Christian leaders grow and it helps me and you know, I'm hoping it helps others. So it's all about that. So I definitely want to make sure they are clear on how they can find you, get ahold of you, how they can check it out. Is there even some pay, you know, does it cost anything or can they do some of it for free? Like
Chris:Yeah, for sure.
Jason:that before we wrap
Chris:sure. Yeah. I mean, first of all, just for your listeners, email me. I mean, chris at the lion within dot us is my email address. So just send me an email, but then go to the lion within that's the lion within dot us. So it's not. com, but it's dot us. And, uh, When, if you pop there, you're going to find, uh, at the top toolbar, we have, we have free resources. So we have, you know, I'm an author on the Bible app for you version. So, uh, I got 30 something devotions out there. So we have those up there. We have our weekly newsletter, which is not like some cheesy newsletter. Like I really put some, some, some thought leadership into it. And then we have a really cool Christian leader assessment, like It's it's seven levels. It's incredible. We put, we put a ton of time, effort, money into it. So, and all that's free. So just go check, you know, check that stuff out for your listeners, but then over you'll find on that same tab, we have offerings and then we have three tiers to our community. Uh, everything it is, uh, it's a paid model, uh, that we have this set up because we're keeping trolls out and we're serving, really serving highly the guys that are there. We have events happening Monday through Saturday. Every day of the week, there's an event, uh, between our mastermind groups, our lunches, our Bible studies. On Friday, we have what's called our Friday Forge, where we throw out a complex topic, and then how do you address it as a Christian man. So we'll talk about, you know, somebody commits suicide, did he go to heaven? That was last You know, I mean, there's just, I mean, we hit some hard topics, like how do you defend that? So, uh, that's, that's all part of it. So just, just actually. The lionwithin. us and explore that and just reach out if you have questions.
Jason:I'll put a link to that in the podcast show notes and on the YouTube. So yeah, for sure. I want to check it out. Uh, appreciate what you're doing, man. That is, um, that's, that's amazing. I mean, just to be able to have that resource for people from wherever they are, they can be in community and for sure pray that they have that community within their church. But you know, sometimes, That doesn't exist, um, for whatever reason, and even if it does exist, this is an additional of men you can come alongside of, so, yeah,
Chris:and what the guys been telling me mainly is, you know, We have men's groups in our churches, but very rarely do they get real. I mean they'll we'll get together once a month We'll have a sausage biscuit or something like that, but it's hard To really, you know, I'm struggling with pornography or I'm struggling this in my marriage, or I'm struggling with finances. It's the local church sometimes to bring, be that transparent. These guys, I don't know why it's a God thing, but they just, they come in with that and then next thing you know, it's iron sharpening iron, these guys are just leaning in. So just encourage you to check it out. If you're looking for authentic, you know, transparent type
Jason:yeah, that's good, that's true man, cause those, yeah, that is, can be a challenge, so, praise the Lord for that man, thank you for what you're doing brother, uh, I look forward to getting this out there and hopefully we get some more people that, uh, find value in that and will connect with your group, so, thank you for your time, I know you're busy, I appreciate you being on the show.
Chris:Thank you, brother. Appreciate you.
Jason:Alright. Alright. Alright. And thank you for joining us this month to hear from another leader, God is using to advance his kingdom. I pray. This episode is blessed you and encourage you. Be sure to tune in next month for another inspiring story from a leader, striving to honor Christ and their work.